- mainly sydney funnel webspiders
- shiny black carapace
- build stinky web holes
- the boys r deadlier!
environmnt can affect brain chem + memory
sooooo like mind tricks?
look more into "mods" there's sum suuuuuuuuuper cute clothes!
whyyyyyy do they ALWYZ use such big boooooring words omgggg
why didnt he make it easier 4 me
wuts it stand for? i keep seein it in older posts. stupid acronym thingy
okkkkkkkkk what an unoriginal name 🙄 LOLL
i hav a fellin he wouldn't like these theories
hateyouthateyouhateyouhateyouhat eyouhateyouhateyouhateyouhahteyou hateyouhateyouhateyouhateyouha teyohateyouhahtyeyouhateyo uahtyeyou hateyouahteyouhateyourthateyou hateyouhateyou hateyou
ugh none of this actually helps. i need smth differentttt
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! where iz the advice without the boring stuffs??
needs 2 b more calculated.... no allergies???
makes a "respiratory depression" ??? death ???
- househld cleaners
-gasoline 4GOT ABT THE SMELL!
were like all our parnts greek? did darcy know greek?
he is like soooo thinkin about me thats sooo fuunnyyyy
cece made the coolest hottest funniest quiz EVRRR once but now its like gone and stuff.
umm whre did it go? internt is so boringgggg now!!
ughhh i cant evn buy any anymorrreee
ughhhh i can c why hed get banned all the time 🙄 evey1 is sooo annoyinnnnggggg
i still ate it is tht bad?
he will think about me when life drains from his face
this is all BADDD tips like sooo loser n patehtic nd desperate nd cece always said it shows
y do they all like talk like NERDSSS
he didnt teach me anythnggggg
these new trends r so uggo